Wage Memorial Library
Address: 120 N Main Street
Ph: 605-397-8422
Librarian: Kellie Locke
Wage Memorial Library is located in Groton's City Hall building on Main Street. All Groton Area residents can check out material including large print books, children's books, books for teens, along with DVDs and books on CD. All items can be checked out for 2 weeks.
Our library also offers patrons access to Libby. This award-winning, much-loved app for libraries offers access to millions of eBooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with an user account.
Library Board
City Council Rep. - Karyn Babcock (2025)
President - Becca Johnson (2026)
Vice President -
Secretary - Richal Wambach (2026)
Trustee - Emily Sternhagen (2026)
Trustee - Sara Vedvei
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Wage Memorial Library Policies
Books by Local Authors available at Wage Memorial Library
The First Hunt by Franne Sippel & Carol Knecht
Treasures From the Heart of Esther Falk
Teddy by Lorraine Jorgensen-Zimney
Teddy- The Sequel by Lorraine Jorgensen-Zimney
Memories of One-Room Schools by Lorraine Jorgensen-Zimney
Faith's Story by LaVonne Helmer
Faith & John by LaVonne Helmer
Fort Sisseton-Dakota Territory by Gregory L. Heitmann
Chief Red Iron- The Lakota Uprising by Gregory L. Heitmann
Barb's Journey by Barbara Pray
Taking Baghdad by Aaron Michael Grant
Optimizing Brain Power by Doug Dunker
Service to Country, South Dakota Style by Lee Raines
Friday Night Lights, South Dakota Style by Lee Raines
1940-1945 We Will Remember By Lee Raines
Click here to see our online catalog of items available.
Wage Memorial Library History