Streets & Forestry
The Street Department is responsible for street repair and upkeep within the city limits. The city also takes pride in having quick snow removal.
Click Here for the Emergency Snow Route Map.
The Street Department is responsible for street repair and upkeep within the city limits. The city also takes pride in having quick snow removal.
Click Here for the Emergency Snow Route Map.
Trees are important to the city. A list of acceptable boulevard trees are listed below. Always look up before planting a tree to make sure power lines are not present and be sure to call 811 before digging.
Boulevard Trees
Common Hackberry
Northern Catalpa
Northern Acclaim Honeylocust
Shademaster Honeylocust
Stately Manor Coffeetree (male-Podless)
Quaking Aspen
Bur Oak
Swamp White Oak
Heritage Oak
American Linden
Accolade Elm
Triumph Elm
Danada Charm Elm