The City of Groton is accepting applications for the following summer recreational positions: Baseball Coordinator, Softball Coordinator, Legion Coach, Jr. Legion Coach, Jr. Teener Coach, Girls' Softball Coaches (U8/U10/U12/U14), Day Baseball/Softball Coach, Concessions Manager, and Swimming Pool Manager. Applications are open until filled.
If interested in applying, please click the link below and complete the application. Return completed applications to City Hall at 120 North Main Street or via email to
Application Link -
The City Shop, City Hall & Wage Memorial Library will be closed Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
THE ICE IS READY, and the skating rink plans to be open this weekend! The hours will be Saturday, December 21st from 10am to 7pm and Sunday, December 22nd from 1pm to 9pm.
The City Shop, City Hall & Wage Memorial Library will be closed Monday, December 23rd, Tuesday, December 24th, & Wednesday, December 25th for the Christmas holiday.
Holiday Trash Pick-up WILL take place on Christmas Eve, December 24th and New Year's Eve, December 31st as planned.
2025 DOG LICENSES are due by December 31, 2024. Fines start January 1, 2025. Spayed/Neutered dogs are $5 per dog, otherwise $10. Proof of rabies shot information is REQUIRED via email to, fax to (605) 397-4498, or bring to City Hall! Thank you from the Groton PD.
City Hall/Wage Memorial Library and the City Shop will be closed Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Ordinance reminder with the recent snowfall...
10-3-6 Parking During Snow Removal. During the snow season when plowing is necessary, ALL VEHICLES parked on the city streets and avenues must be moved within 24 hours after the snowplow has passed this vehicle.
Ticketing is possible. Thank you for your cooperation!
Notice to the Groton SD Community
Chapter 9-3 Snow and Ice Removal
9-3-1 Duty of Owner or Occupant. It shall be the duty of the owner, occupant, or person in possession or in charge of any lot, parcel, or plot of ground of business property located within a commercial zoning district, fronting or abutting upon any public sidewalk, to keep such sidewalk free and clear from snow and ice at all times. When it is impossible to take snow and ice from such walk because it is frozen to the sidewalk, the owner, occupant, or person in possession or in charge of such lot shall sprinkle or spread such suitable material upon the same to prevent the walk from becoming slippery and dangerous to travel, and in removing snow from said sidewalk it shall be unlawful for any person to shovel or blade the snow so removed into the street after the street has been cleared of snow by the city snow removal equipment.
The property owner, tenant, person in possession, or person removing snow and ice from any sidewalk, public or private driveway, parking lot or parking area, shall dispose of accumulated snow and ice upon such property as follows:
A. Snow and ice shall not be deposited on any sidewalk at any time.
B. Snow and ice shall not be deposited on any public street or alley at any time.
C. Snow and ice shall not be deposited so as to obstruct or interfere with the passage or vision of vehicular or pedestrian traffic at any time.
D. Snow and ice shall not be deposited upon or around any mailbox so as to obstruct or interfere with the delivery or collection of the United States Mail at any time.
E. Snow and ice shall not be deposited upon any fire hydrant, as specified above, so as to obstruct or interfere with access to the fire hydrant at any time.
F. Snow and ice upon the property shall be piled on the same property or hauled to any appropriate disposal site off premises.
Are you interested in working at the local skating rink this winter? If so, click the link below, complete the application, and return it back to Groton City Hall at 120 North Main Street or via email to!
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY for your gift to be included! The City of Groton and the Groton Chamber are looking for gift donations for the Aberdeen Yelduz FEZtival of Trees. if you would like to donate to this great cause, please bring your gift to City Hall by 5pm. Gifts can be toys, tools, gift cards, etc. Thank you for all contributions to this event!
City Hall, Wage Memorial Library, and the City Shop will be closed Monday, November 11th for Veteran’s Day.
Finance Officers April and Kellie visited Dacotah Prairie Museum yesterday afternoon to explore the Groton exhibit. Exhibit will be showcased until December 28th and includes three parts- past, present & future. Display includes past photos from H.T. Foss, present photos, as well as future ideas for the Groton SD Community drawn by Groton Area students.
An open house will be held this Saturday, October 26th at Dacotah Prairie Museum at 1pm with speakers from Enrich Groton along with Mayor Scott Hanlon.
2025 DOG LICENSES are due by December 31, 2024. Fines start January 1, 2025. Spayed/Neutered dogs are $5 per dog, otherwise $10. Proof of rabies shot information is REQUIRED via email to, fax to (605) 397-4498, or bring to City Hall! Thank you from the Groton PD.
The voter registration deadline for the 2024 election is right around the corner on Monday, October 21st. Stop by Groton City Hall or your local county auditor to get yourself registered!
As Public Power Week comes to an end, a thank you goes out to the Groton Electric Department for providing us with fewer outages, lower bills, and quality service!
The City of Groton and the Groton Chamber are looking for toy and/or gift donations for the Aberdeen Yelduz FEZtival of Trees. if you would like to donate to this great cause, please bring your gift to City Hall by November 8th at 5pm. Gifts can be toys, tools, gift cards, etc.
Thank you for all contributions to this event!
The City of Groton has declared the following item as surplus property:
- 1985 Chevrolet C7D064 Dump Truck with 73,406 miles.
Bids will be accepted at City Hall, 120 North Main Street or mailed to PO Box 572. Bids are due by November 5, 2024, at 5:00pm and will be opened that same evening during the regular council meeting at 7:00pm. Inquiries can be directed by email to or call City Hall at 605-397-8422. The Groton City Council reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
The City of Groton has declared the following items as surplus property.
- 2004 Snapper Mower/Bagger w/ 1600hrs and 23hp engine (asking $500)
- 12-foot heavy duty snowplow (asking $900)
- Large Wooden Desk w/ Tempered Glass Protector (free - pickup only)
If interested in the listed items, please submit bids by October 16, 2024, at 5:00pm. Inquiries can be directed by email to or call City Hall at 605-397-8422.
If you are leaving town for 2 months or more, it may pay to discontinue your utilities.
Form is available at City Hall to complete. Any questions, please call City Hall (605) 397-8422.